Audemars Piguet


Discover the essence of Audemars Piguet's mastery in crafting luxury watches - a journey through the heart of their Le Brassus headquarters. Our series unveils the transformative artistry of gold, steel, and ceramic, each element brought to life in our films. Our exceptional CGI team turned the alchemy of raw materials into something truly magical.

Brand: Audemars Piguet

Agency: Bonjour Paris

Creative Director: Marcel Hita
Production: Kasia Foremski, Simon Bath
Art Direction and Research: Laura IbaƱez, Katerina Mileva, Nerea Hernandez
3D Lead Artists / Supervisors: Alberto Corpas, Oriol Mayolas
2D Lead Artist: Mikel Gomez
3D Artists: Marcel Hita, Gerard Foix, Dani Guix, Lucas Giraldez, Yigit Acik, Juan Pablo Sciaccaluga, Lisander Qorri, Renato Marques, Nick Zieroff, Matteo Forghieri
Colorist: Mikel Gomez

Executive Creative Director: Oriol Puig
Executive Producer: Simon Bath
Account Director: Albert Garcia
Head of Accounting: Ana Baeza

Sound Dedign: Rocket Audio